Thursday, July 28, 2011


So, I’m 23! Woohoo! Turning 23 in paraguay was a bit different than other birthdays I’ve had, but was for sure special in its own way. My birthday was on a Friday and by the time the mass came around at seven pm, more than a few people in Villa Madrid had heard and so, at the end of mass the priest made me come to the front of the church and be serenaded by the entire congregation in Spanish, guarani (terevyaiteke, terevyaiteke) AND english. It was quite a memorable moment and I’m pretty sure I was redder than I knew it was possible to turn. Saturday some of my amigas came over to have a bbq and some sangria and then we met up with some Paraguayan amigos to sing some karaoke and be merry in Limpio.

The next day was Sunday and so we all boarded the micro in an attempt to get to Guarambare (where we were headed for our three month in service training) by the time the Copa America final started. Unfortunately, a wrong bus decision didn’t get us there until half time but it was all well and good because there wasn’t much to see for the Paraguayan fans. 2-0 loss to Uruguay and Forlan. There is always next year!

Sunday through Wednesday was spent back with our host families in our training community of Guarambare. It was great to see everyone, American and Paraguayan alike. We had a lot of hardcore language class (I am REALLY going to make more effort to learn guarani) and some other more or less useless sessions about things we already knew and then we all headed back to sight. It was a whirlwind of a few days so I am glad my only real responsibility for the weekend is giving the final exam in my english class Saturday morning. The heat has been cranked up here the past couple days so im looking forward to a weekend filled with terere and guarani studying!

Missing you all more than ever, thank you so much for the well wishes from afar!!

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