Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Final Countdown

This time next week i will be settling into my south american life! Currently, its 99 degress in Paraguay which may or may not be more appealing then the foot of snow thats on the ground here. I've been packing my face off all day and I'm making fairly decent progress and am still way under weight which was my main concern at the start of the this process. I never in my life the decision of how many t shirts to bring or not bring would give me this much agita. My birks came in the mail today! Now i really feel ready to tackle the third world terrain. Sal is still in the process of making me some skirts and pairs of pants for the journey, and I think those are the last things i have to squeeze in there!

I'm sitting in my living room watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians-man what a difference a week is going to make. The anxiety has officially reached citical mass so I think its safe to say I'm ready to get on that plane. I've gotten various emails from various trainers and coordinators and safety advisors (awsome job 20/20-i owe ya one) but there is still so much mystery! I guess really how much can they tell you. You're going to south america, its gonna be hot as cajones and you're going to have to learn a shit load of things in 11 weeks-and then you get released into the wild to go do some good. I guess at the end of the day, the rest is just details.

The week has been full of goodbyes-and consequently crying, but I above all I am excited. I've been neurotic about collecting every last address and went on a card shopping spree yesterday so dont worry everyone, a letter/card is coming your way.
Until next time amigos!

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