Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Adios America

So this is the beginning of my much promised blog. I have fourteen remaining days left in the US before my departure for Paraguay-and about1229374 things to do. What to pack, what not to pack, shopping, crying, saying good byes, eating my favorite things/watching my favorite shows, freaking out and crying some more, reading everything i can about the peace corps and paraguay, and finally some more crying are all things on my mind/to-do list these last couple days. I am trying to process the huge step I am about to make but I am well aware it is basically impossible to really understand or predict the adventure that I am about to embark on.

This weekend was my going away party. There was a keg, good food, a great band, and everyone I loved in one place-needless to say it was a perfect way to say the good byes and i love yous that I needed to say.

ruggers came to play!

grandma had a bunch of fun

so excited to see everyone!

Ali and I and our favorite midshippersons

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