Monday, April 18, 2011

Trainees No More

So its real deal time now people-no more training wheels, its go big or go home put up or shut up, time to make things happen time. We are officially Peace Corps Volunteers! Friday morning was our swearing in ceremony which took place at the American ambassador’s house which would have been really beautiful except it was freakin pouring like crazy, but we all survived anyway. After the ceremony we had some delicious cake and took pictures then made our way back to the Peace Corps Office to get our cell phones (yay!) internet modems (YAY!!) and bank cards before we all headed to the hotels for the weekend.

We spent the weekend relaxing, exploring, and enjoying before we all head out to our sites tomorrow morning. After all that applying, all that waiting, and all that training we are finally all going out to see what we can make of this all. My packpack is WAY too heavy so the bus ride should be fun/interesting but once I’m there it will be really nice to finally settle in and make my home in Villa Madrid.
This week is Semana Santa so not too much is going to be going on work wise until after Easter which gives us all a nice little buffer of time to adjust and assimilate before the real work begins.

Not too much else to report now, I will keep you all updated on the Semana Santa festivities this week.

Wish me luck!!

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