Thursday, March 31, 2011


After a year plus of applications and now about nine weeks of training, i FINALLY know where i´m going to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer. The town is called Limpio, more specifically Barrio Villa Madrid. It is about an hour north of Asuncion and I will be the third volunteer to serve there. There seems like there is a whole lot going on-newly formed library, community center, soccer, youth groups etc so its seeming like bored i will NOT be. I am going to visit for the first time tomorrow to meet the family I´m going to be staying with for the first three months as well as check out the current volunteers house which i will hopefully be able to move right into after that. Top to bottom I am super excited, more to come next week when i get back!

Un beso guazu a todos!


  1. SO psyched for you Himay. Cant wait to hear how the week trip goes!

  2. i just got to say that i finally got what Himayinparaguay meant, after reading aidans comment... thats good state education at work


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