Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day to Day in Paraguay

Time has been weird here these past couple weeks. It has been almost two months since I arrived in site and I’m still balancing the sometimes-busy-sometimes-not pace of my schedule. My agenda’s pages alternate between completely blank and chock full but I’m learning to make better use of the days that I do have free and also to not make the free time I have make me anxious. Most of my time has been spent at the soup kitchen, with the youth group, and in the library. Things are moving slowly but surely with each project and although I’ve encountered way more bureaucracy than I ever expected, I’m confident in the direction things are moving.

I’ve also been spending a fair amount of time at the church and with the catechism classes. While I have to limit my involvement there as to not appear as though I have a religious agenda (there are a lot of religiously affiliated white people running around Limpio so it is a mistake that could easily be made) its been a really great way to meet people of all ages and to experience something that is undeniably a part of Paraguayan culture. Interestingly, there are not the same ideas about separation of church and state that exists in the United States. In fact, one of the hymns they sing is called “God Bless Paraguay”. Religion and Catholicism are as much a part of being Paraguayan as drinking terere and eating mandioca. The masses are lively and filled with music which I also really love. The priest is Italian so it’s nice to have another foreign working in the community to relate to on those “oh, paraguay” types of things.

The weather has been COLD here as of late. And I mean really cold. Showering is the least favorite part of every (ok, every other) day. Leaving my sleeping bag in the morning is a miracle a lot of times. Who would’ve thought South America would make me jealous of NY weather.

Fourth of July is rapidly approaching and everyone is getting pumped. There is a big party at the embassy and although I’m sure it won’t be bathing suit weather, it will be a nice and relaxing weekend to speak some English and catch up with some folks. Hopefully there will be Budweiser and not Brahma so we can celebrate properly. After that July is going to fly by. I am helping another volunteer with a camp in her community the week following the fourth, and then my friends are coming to visit for my birthday and then a week of in service training back in good old Guarambare!

I really appreciate all the emails/real mails I’ve been getting from everyone and I promise I will figure out where the post office in Limpio is soon and respond to you all!!

Love always,

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